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Jodie Cannon Sr. #3

Worshipful Master

Sr. Warden   

Jr. Warden   Louis Perez

Treasurer   Lionel Newby


Michael Spencer


In 1945, the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, F&AM, of Arizona, Inc., charted St. Marks Lodge No. 15, Las Vegas, Nevada.  On May 2, 1972, Jodie Cannon Sr. Lodge No. 28 was charted as an outgrowth of St. Marks Lodge No. 15.  The lodge was named after one of the active Past Masters of St. Marks Lodge.  Past Master Jodie Cannon Sr. was an active member of the masonic family and the Las Vegas community.  It's rumored that Brother Jodie Cannon Sr. was the first Worshipful Master of our lodge.  It is known that the following brothers from St. Marks Lodge played major roles in the development of Jodie Cannon Sr. Lodge No. 28; PM David N. Grorge, PM James B. Shelbourne, PM Spurgeon W. Daniels Sr., PM Andrew L. Bowie, PM Willie Forbes and PM Perry Fortson.


Jodie Cannon Sr. Lodge No. 28 was significant in the establishment of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, F&AM, of Nevada, Inc., chartered on August 16, 1980.


Over the years, many of Jodie Cannon's brothers became Grand Lodge Officers:  PM James B. Shelbourne, RWDGM; PM Jimmie Cannon, RWGSW; PM Charles Washington, RWJGW; PM Spurgeon W. Daniels Sr., RWGSec'y; PM David N. George, RWG Lecturer and later RWDGM .  Most recently, the lodge has supplied the following GL Officers; PMWGM Cranford L. Crawford Jr., GLT, PMWGM Willie R. Waters, RWG Tyler leroy "Leeroy" Wilson (Deceased), GL Chaplin O. Charles Foger, and GL Marshall Edward Sanders.  Several Grand Chapter Officers for the Desert Rose Grand Chapter, OES, PHA came from Jodie Cannon Sr. Lodge #3 in the persons of PM Cranford L. Crawford Jr., 1st Grand Patron and chartering Grand Worthy Patron, PM O. Charles Foger, PGP, and PM Spurgeon W. Daniels Sr., PGP.


With the chartering of the MWPHGL of Nevada, the number of Jodie Cannon Sr Lodge was changed from #28 to #3.  Jodie Cannon Sr. Lodge #3 had been and remains a viable segment of the life of the MWPHGL of Nevada.


Jodie Cannon Sr. Lodge #3 has opened Grand Lodge Session on five occasions, and hosted the Grand Lodge Table Lodge six times, which was introduced by PMWGM Crawford in 1987 following his experience at a Phylaxis Society's Annual Conference.  The local chapter of the Knights of Phythagoras is named in honor of PMWGM Cranford L. Crawford Jr. for his community work with the youth in the community.


Brothers of Jodie Cannon Sr. #3 believe in and implement the Masonic tenants of Charity, Brotherly Love, and Truth through supporting those in need of charitable assistance.


Sec'y   Michael Spencer



Past  Masters








2015 - 2017           CHRIS PERKINS

2014                        MIKE SPENCER

2012 - 2013            DAVID AUSTIN

2011                         RANDY GRAY


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