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Most Woshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Nevada

Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Nevada

One Body.  One Mind.  One Lifestyle.

We, the members, of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Nevada welcomes you to our website.  The purpose of our website is to enlighten and inform members of the Prince Hall Masons of Nevada.  We enjoy our fraternal relationship with our fellow brothers and sisters around the globe.  This website, also, serves us as a means of disseminating information and broadening the accessibility of our Grand Lodge, Grand Chapter and other Concordant Bodies.  Please enjoy your travels through our website and feel free to contact us through our guest book.  Our doors and hearts are open to you to come out, meet and greet with us.  May God continue to bless all that we do as Prince Hall Masons.

- Levy Belton


43rd Annual Grand Session is one for the history books

5/29 - 6/1/2024

The 43rd Annual Grand Session and festivities came to a close on late afternoon of Saturday, June 1, 2024 with changes in the Grand Lodge officer administration. 


But first, God Blessed this jurisdiction as the Grim Reaper did not take anyone from this jurisdiction this past year as St. Mark Lodge #1 hosted the Memorial service on Wednesday, May 29, 2024.  On Thursday, King Solomon Lodge #2 hosted the Table Lodge and presented parting gifts to all that attended.  Friday was the Grand Master and Grand Worthy Matron's Banquet.  It was the scene where the jurisdiction awarded a scholarship to a young lady by the name of Brooklyn, daughter of Victoria Parker.  She plans to further her education by attending UNLV.  It's also the scene where a new Lodge of the Year was awarded to Jack Haywood Lodge #6, as they have done excellent work in the community.  Anthony Horsley was named Master Mason of the Year for his dedication and hard work the past year.


Newly Junior Past Most Worshipful Grand Master Ken Askins had made an announcement that he would no longer seek re-election as Grand Master.  That sent the rumor mill in a frenzy.   Come Saturday, June 1st, the story unfolded.  Now former RWDGM Levy Belton was nominated for MW Grand Master and accepted the nomination.  RWSGW Archie McArthur was also nominated, but humbly and respectfully declined the nomination.  Past RWDGM Darrell Wade was, also, nominated for the MW Grand Master seat.  In the end, Levy Belton won the election and was the new Grand Master elect.  PM Darrell Wade was nominated again for the RWDGM seat.  RWSGW Archie McArthur was also nominated for the Deputy Grand Master seat.  Archie McArthur won the election to become the new Deputy Grand Master.    No contest for the seat of RWSGW as former RWJGW Anthony Downton was the only nomination.  The race of the day was for RWJGW seat.  It was the highlight of the afternoon as PM Jamar Grovner, PM David Austin and PM Khalid Sultan, by way of a proxy, all accepted the nomination.  It took two rounds because no one received majority of the votes as PM Austin missed it by 1 vote.  When PM Sultan was eliminated it came down to PM Austin and PM Grovner.  In the end, PM Austin won by 2 votes on a very tight race that went back and forth but in the end became the new Junior Grand Warden.  No contest for the RWGTreasurer as PM Lionel Newby became the new Grand Treasurer.  For Grand Secretary, PM Grovner and PM Anthony Horsley both accepted the nomination.  In the end, Jamar Grovner became elected the new RW Grand Secretary.  RWGT Elisha Sumbani retained his seat.  PM Robert McGee was elected the new RW Grand Trustee 3yr to go along with the other Grand Trustees, Scott Walker and Carl Dawson.  And that concluded the week of events for another year.



MWGM Belton.png
Most Worshipful Grand Master
Honorable Levy Belton
RW Grand Secretary
Jamar Grovner
P.O. Box 44227
Las Vegas, NV 89116
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